Part of a 14-panel panorama etching of 17th-century buildings in St. Petersburg, Russia


In preparing this annotated edition of Anna Whistler’s St. Petersburg diaries of 1843–1848, I have come to a profound awareness of how beholden I am to the many people and organizations who have helped me. I have accumulated grateful and delighted cause to thank them, which I do now with deep gratitude, great pleasure, and, I hope, sufficient self-effacement.

My research travel would not have been possible without the generosity of funding institutions. I thank the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada and the International Research and Exchanges Board for their fellowships to do research in St. Petersburg and Moscow; the National Endowment for the Humanities for a summer fellowship to do research in Washington, DC, Baltimore, and Philadelphia; the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and the Office of the President of Simon Fraser University for numerous research travel grants; and the Dean of Arts Fund for Retired Faculty of Simon Fraser University.

Of the individuals who helped me, my greatest debt is to my London researcher, Michael J. Welch, a fellow nitpicker, whom I thank with all my heart for his astounding familiarity with the archives of the United Kingdom, his thoroughness, unflappableness, modesty, love of research, sound interpretation, and enormous interest in my topic. He has given me years of his life to accomplish my goal, and I can never thank him enough.

Next I want to express my sincerest gratitude to Margaret Ziviski, who beautifully transcribed the very difficult and frustrating manuscript (see Image 6) of Anna Whistler’s St. Petersburg diaries as a summer project, while an undergraduate at Simon Fraser University, thus enabling me and all those who did research for me to move ahead.

I am deeply grateful to my colleague, Richard M. Haywood, of Purdue University. We became friends while doing research in the Soviet Union. He shared his knowledge of the building of the St. Petersburg–Moscow Railway and the personalities involved long before the materials appeared in his Russia Enters the Railway Age, 1842–1855 (1998). It was also comforting to be able to dine and converse with him and his wife, Piroška, all those cold winter nights.

From the moment I approached the Interlibrary Loan Services (ILL) at Simon Fraser University, the then-head, Sylvia Bell, provided outstanding help, especially in borrowing Russian materials from Russia and Finland, as indeed did every ILL head who succeeded her: Marjorie Nelles, Todd Mundle, Elaine Fairey, Gwen Bird, Scott McKenzie, and Donald Taylor. Alexandra Wawrzyszko-Zielinski provided them with her expertise in Slavic languages and as a bibliographer. Christine Manzer did exemplary work borrowing printed materials for my book while a member of the ILL staff as well as outstanding detailed research in a private capacity for many years, and prepared the list of acknowledgments. Other staff in ILL were also very helpful in various ways: Jannie Swint translated from Dutch; Nancy Blake and Ioana Liuta both capably took over borrowing when their predecessors left ILL; Margo Dykstra bought museum catalogues for me while in Holland; Ian Fell and Anna Raasveldt delivered and retrieved loan materials to and from my home.

Much of my research in Leningrad was carried out in the Central State Archives of the USSR, where I was assigned to work with Agnessa Mukhtan, a generous and knowledgeable archivist, whose help extended to retrieval of materials otherwise unavailable because they were in a part of the building under repair. At the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (LIIZhT),1 with which I was officially affiliated, I received uncomplicated access to both manuscript and difficult-to-obtain printed materials through the graciousness of the vice-rector, Irina Fadeeva. I also received personal attention from her colleague, Gennadii Afonin, who escorted me every day to and from LIIZhT during the snows of winter. Also at LIIZhT, Marina Pereborova facilitated superb hotel accommodations. At the State Hermitage, Elizaveta Renne, curator of British and Scandinavian Painting, smoothed my access to the Hermitage Archives, paintings in storage, permission for photocopying, and permission to publish photographs of works of art. At the State Russian Museum, Evgenia Petrova, deputy director, arranged access to archival materials concerning Karl Briullov, including his caricatures. At the State Tret’iakov Gallery in Moscow, Lidia Iovleva, deputy director of the Academic Department, arranged for me to meet various staff members of the Manuscript Division. There, Natalia Priimak was especially helpful in contacting staff by telephone at many other archives for immediate answers to my questions. Galina Andreeva, today head of Research and Projects, generously spent time conversing with me about Whistler’s drawing teacher, Aleksandr Koritskii, and arranged for me to receive slides and photographs of works of art. Vitold Petiushenko, research director of the State Tret’iakov Gallery, gave permission to publish a caricature of Koritskii by Briullov. At Pushkin House, Vadim Stark took me on a tour of the Whistlers’ St. Petersburg.

At the Library of Congress, I am deeply grateful to Robert Allen and David Kraus of the European Division, Charles Kelly of Special Collections, and Grant Harris, present head of the European Division, for quick and easy access to all the materials I wished to see – including unpublished, uncopyrighted material – and the research aid of interns. At the New-York Historical Society, I am deeply grateful to librarian Mariam Touba for her expert knowledge of the manuscript collection, and appreciated her voluble concern over readers’ treatment of book and manuscript spines. Later, I profited by her years of correspondence, identifying persons, places, and events connected with New York in the 1840s.

I would like to recognize and thank all of the people whose knowledge, diligence, patience, and good will advanced my research: Gerald Abraham, Dawn Adam, Joan Afferica, Alan C. Aimone, Peter J. Ainscough, Michael Ainsworth, Rev. Canon David Ainsworth, Daria Alavidze, Lee Albright, David Alexander, Peter Alexis, Susan Alland, Martha Looy Allington, Adrienne Aluzzo, Donald Anderle, Peter Anderson, Lena Ånimmer, Mabel Ansley, Donna Anstey, John Appleby, Terry Ariano, Edward A. Armstrong, Felicity Ashbee, Timothy Ashworth, Norman K. Atkinson, Robert Augustin, Barbara E. Austen, Daniel C. Austin, Eric Austin, Irene Axelrod, Jean M. Ayton, Margot Backas, Prudence Backman, Kaye Bagshaw, Joanna Baird, Judith Baldry, Mrs. Lorenzo Baldwin Jr., Sharon A. Balius, Loraine Baratti, Melanie Barber, Rosemary Barbour, John D. Barbry, Joan Barker, Bette Barker-Epstein, Roger P. Bartlett, Carrie Bassett, Stephen K. Batalden, Hans Christian Bauer, Fred Bauman, Charles R. Bawden, Brenda Beech, Dr. Malcolm F. Beeson, Mary Ann Bell, Barbara Bell, D. Bell-Russell, Mary L. Bellagamba, Shari Bellen, Sandra Bender, Mary Morrison Bennett, William Bennett, Avis Berman, Nana Bernhardt, Bryan Berryman, Robert J. Bertholf, R. Calvin Best, Hans Beyer, Mette Bruun Beyer, Herman Beyer-Thoma, C.E. Bidston, H. Bidwell, Sheila Biles, E.G.W. Bill, Clyde Binfield, Alan Bird, Mary Blackford, Pamela Blevins, Richard Blodgett, Katherine L. Blood, Michael Boardman, Norman F. Boas, Tatiana Boiko, Sarah E. Bolce, Richard Bond, Tilo Bönicke, Rt. Rev. Stanley C. Booth-Clibborn, Elmer Booze, Allison Botelho, E.A. Bouchard, John R. Bowles, John E. Bowlt, Kathleen Braden, Torkel R. Bråthen, Andrew Brighton, Rev. Dr. C. Reed Brinkman, Brenda T. Brown, D.A. Brown, David J. Brown, Elisabeth Potts Brown, Jeffery E. Brown, M.N. Brown, Robert Brown, Robert F. Brown, T. Robbins Brown, Robert Brugger, William C. Brumfield, Alexandrina Buchanan, Tricia Buckingham, Margaret Bullock, Jim Burant, Edith Burger, Kevin Burgord, James K. Burkitt, Ann M. Bushey, John W. Buszta, D.J. Butler, Twila Buttimer, D.A.H. Byatt, Harriet Ropes Cabot, John G. Caldwell, Alan Cameron, Robert L. Cammann, Anthony J. Camp, James W. Campbell, James Campbell, Marta Campbell, Patsy J. Campbell, Stephen J. Campbell, Gwyneth Cannan, Ingemar Carlsson, Lynn Carney, Ruth Carr, James Carrott, Susan P. Casteras, Julia Cauchman, M. Sybil Cavanagh, Edward Cazalet, Emma Chambers, Ellen Chances, Kate Cheetham, Ann T. Childs, Faye Chisholm, Michael Chrimes, Vicki L. Chrisman, Suzanne Christoff, Nicolai Cikovsky Jr., Emily Clark, Rosemary K.F. Clarke, Mary Ann Cleveland, Eleanor Clise, C.M. Clubb, Diana Coates, Kenneth R. Cobb, Sandor B. Cohen, Pauline Colec, Cynthia Coleman, Earle E. Coleman, Margaret Coleman, Rebecca B. Colesar, Greg Colley, Clifford Collier, George K. Combs, Nicholas Coney, W.J. Connor, Elizabeth Cook, Rhonda Cooper, Sarah Cooper, William Copeley, John Coulter, Isabel Couperwhite, Gerald Coveney, Ian B. Cowan, Maxwell Craven, John Creasey, Anthony G. Cross, Kimberly Andersen Cumber, V.H. Cummings, Derrick Cunliffe, John H. R. Cunliffe, Kathleen Curney, Jo Currie, Elizabeth Hope Cushing, Jane D’Arcy, Dorothy D’Eletto, Gail S. Davidson, Richard D. Davies, Elliott Davis, Robert Davis, Susan E. Davis, Patricia de Montfort, T. Matthew De Waelsche, Gary Deans, A. Dearden, Richard Debo, Ruth T. Degenhardt, Melanie Delva, M. I. Demidova, Mrs. P.M. Denney, Maria Deptula, Michael Dever, Frances Dimond, Elizabeth Doctor, Luke Dodd, Vladimir Dovger, Julie Doyle, Nils Drejholt, Rodrigo Aldeia Duarte, Lydia Dufour, Marilyn Duncan, Phillip B. Dunn, Carol Durand, Mark Eastment, S.J. Eccles, Conley L. Edwards, Richard Ekman, R.J. Elvin, D.W. Emberley, Elaine Engst, Lindsay Errington, Anne Escott, Thomas Esper, George Estafy, Godfrey Evans, [illegible first name] Evens, Ian Fell, Irene Ferguson, Evelyn Field, Nancy Finlay, Laurence Fish, Janet Fishman, Jeffrey M. Flannery, Gordon Fleming, Ursula Fletcher, Iain Flett, Michael S. Flier, Mary Flood, Jan Flores, Maureen P. Foley, E. McSherry Fowble, Lydia Foy, Jim Francis, Jonathan Franklin, Stephen Freeth, Monica Friberg, Kathy Fuller, A.L. Fullerton, Patricia Fulton, Richard Fusick, Alisha Gajjar-Fleming, Robin Garton, Julia Gauchman, Doris S. Gauvin, Toby Gearhart, Craig Geddes, Rod Gent, Canon J.E. Gethyn-Jones, Andrea Gibbs, Donald Gibson, Thomas Giebeler, Jennifer Gill, Patricia Gill, Matthew Gilmore, Eleanor Godin, Susan Gold, Pauline Golec, Jeff Goldman, Benjamin E. Goldsmith, Sarah Goodbody, Betsy Goodman, Catherine Goodwin, Ian Graham, Archdeacon William V. Graham, Bobette Grant, Gillian Grant, Mary T. Grant, Audrey Green, A. V. Griffiths, Reiner Gross, Kathleen Guilday, Kathleen Gurney, Milton O. Gustafson, James Gwyn, Jane Hackworth-Young, Bernard Haigh, K. Hall, G.G. Hand, H.A. Hanley, Siobhan Hanratty, Beatriz B. Hardy, James Harris, Suzanne A. Harris, Martha J. Harrison, Joseph Harrison, Negley Harte, Janet M. Hartley, Joan Hartman, Herbert Hartsook, David Haslewood, Rodney S. Hatch III, Bernard Hawkins, Peter Hayden, Wallace Hayden, Bella Hayes, R.W. Hayward, Deirdre L. Haywood, A. Heap, William Heard, A. Heath, John Heath, Bonnie Hedges, Kenneth Heger, Margaret Heilbrun, Alexia Helsley, Dyveke Helsted, John Hemming, Julie Hendy, Colleen Hennessey, Patricia Herlihy, Elizabeth A. Heydt, Walter Hickey, Ian Hill, Michael Hill, Jackie Hillier, Joanne Hillman, Peter Hoare, Bruce G. Hodgson, Sara S. Hodson, H. Hobart Holly, James J. Holmberg, Anastasia Holmes, Marie Holtz, J.T. Hopkins, Maureen Hopkins, Martin Hopkinson, Thomas A. Horrocks, Loren N. Horton, Janis Hourigan, Unn Hovdhanger, Amanda Howard, Jeremy Howard, Geoff Huenemann, Riordan Huenemann, Rachel Hruszkewycz, Lindsey Hughes, Margaret Humberston, Matthew R. Humphrey, Charles Hunt, Michael Hussey, James H. Hutson, Shelby Hypes, Maureen Ille, David Irwin, Isabel Isaacson, David M. Jackson, Shirley Jackson, Stanley Jackson, John G. James, Bengt Jangfeldt, Jane Janitz-Bond, Chris F.M. Jansen, Gun Jansson, Marcia Jasiulko, Brian Jenner, Henrik Stissing Jensen, Jean Jepson-Page, Rev. Alan F. Jesson, Alice Johnson, Nora V. Johnson, Richard C. Johnson, C.C. Johnston, Michael Johnston, Kathryn E. Jones, Louise T. Jones, William L. Joyce, Tage Kaarsted, Robert Kalleberg, Deborah Martin Kao, Lidia Kapralova, Lena Karlström, Edward Kasinec, Josef Keith, Charles J. Kelly, Laurence Kelly, Dorothy Kemper, Jean M. Kennedy, Roisin Kennedy, Mary Kenyon, Susanna Kerr, Charlotte (Slingerland) Tuttle Kester, Galina Khodasevich, Escon Kilgour, S. Kingra, Juta Kitching, Laurence Kitching, David Knapp, G.A. Knight, Douglas Knock, W. Robert Knocker, Kevin Knoot, Emily J.M. Knox, Marie Koestler, Hope H. Koontz, Dennis Kong, Jeffrey Korman, Veronika Kotila, John Koza, David W. Kraeuter, David Kraus,Vicky Kruckeberg, H. Krugger, Cynthia Hagar Krusell, David Kuzma, Theresa La Bianca, Genevieve Lacambre, Miles Lambert, Clara Lamers, Charles M. Langley, Jesse R. Lankford, Jr., Kurt Larson, William R. Le Fanu, Adrian Le Harivel, Henry W. Lee, Cheryl Leibold, E.G. Leitch, Heather Lemonedes, Susan Sheldon Levy, Peter Liddle, Kenneth Lieger, Laura Linard, Jan Lindroth, Susan Lintelmann, Bert Lippincott, Ioana Liuta, Rebecca Livingston, Christopher Lloyd, Naomi Lloyd, Joel T. Loab, Katharine Lochnan, Jane Lodge Smith, Charles S. Longley, Claude-Ann Lopez, Mildred Lord, Barbara Louie, Stephen Lovell, Jennifer Loveridge, June Lusted, Beverly Lyall, I.F. Lyle, Robert W. Lyle, Catherine A. Lynn, Nancy F. Lyon, Marvin Lyons, Rupert Maas, Ian Macaskill, Declan Macauley, Margaret F. MacDonald, Simone Mace, Colin B. Mackay, Richard Macve, Vera Magyar, Anita Mahoney, Annabel Maingay, Dan Maingay, Hugh Maingay, James W. Maingay, Russell Maingay, David Mander, Brian Manning, Laura Manske, Elizabeth Marcus, Florence M. Marion, Vladimir Markov, Paul Marks, James C. Marshall, Noleen Marshall, Rosalind K. Marshall, Keith Mason, Jean Mauldon, Gloria C. Mayernik, Robert B. Mayo, Shara McCaffrey, James W. McCarthy, Robert A. McCown, Christine McCullough, Lawrence McDowell, Vivian McDowell, Cynthia McGrath, Dorothy Horton McGee, Philip J. McGreevy, Margaret P. McGrew, Roderick McGrew, Gladys McIntosh, Deborah McKeon-Pogue, Colin A. McLaren, Paul McLaughlin, Hugh McLean, Laurie E. McQueen, Valerie McQuillan, R.J. McWhirter, Rev. Andrew C. Mead, Maria Medina, Rev. Richard F. Meehan, Judith Mellin, Grazia Merler, Linda Merrill, Glenn A. Metzdorf, Stephan Meunier, Peter Michel, Anastasia Miklaieva, Harold L. Miller, Yuriy Miller, George McLean Milne, Stig Miss, Rose Marie Mitten, Rachel Moffat, Elizabeth H. Moger, Roanne Mokhtar, James E. Mooney, K. Moore, Merl M. Moore, Robert Moore, B. Ann Moorehouse, Gary L. Morgan, Vladimir Morosan, Richard Mortimer, Gottfried Mraz, Laura Muir, C. Elsie Mullineux, Cynthia Murphy, Mark K. Murphy, Mary Eleanor Murphy, Mary Murray, Michael P. Musick, Fiona Myles, Gerd Nauhaus, William Nedderman, Walter Neutel, Jeanne T. Newlin, Jennifer Newman, Charles Newton, Kathie O. Nicastro, MaryAnne Nichols, Cindy Nickerson, Charles Niles, Catrin Norrby, Susan North, Brad Nugent, Claire Nutt, Caroline Sue Heimlich Nutty, John P. O’Connor, William J. O’Neil, Francis P. O’Neill, Anne Odom, Eda Offutt, Kate Ohno, Joseph Oldenburg, Lindy J. Brunkhorst Olewine, Betty Olmsted, Jane M. Oppenheimer, M. John Orbell, Leonée Ormond, Richard Ormond, Sharon Orton, Geoffrey Oxley, Sally Pagan, Richard Palmer, Foster M. Palmer, John Panter, Brad Parker, Pamela Parker, Erika Parris, M. Pearsall, Aldo Perdomo, Etta L. Perkins, Winston C. Perry, Jr., Kathy Petersen, Martin E. Peterson, Raymond Petke, Catherine J. Phillips, [illegible first name] Picco, D.A. Pipe, Francesca Pitaro, Harvey Pitcher, Barbara J. Pittman, Trevor K. Plante, J. B. Post, Cicely Poulton, Claire Prechtel-Kluskens, Robin Price, Benjamin Primer, S. Hardy Prince, William Prince, Jean Marie Proclous, Stuart Pyhrr, Mikhail Piotrovskii, Hanne Quillévéré, Amy Rachlin, Sandra Rayser Ragonese, Martin Ramsbottom, Lilian Randall, Debra Randorf, Garner F. Ranney, John Rashford, Jennie Rathbun, U. Rathje, William M. Read, Boyd Reese, Kristen Regina, Kathleen M. Reilly, Greta Reisel, Jon K. Reynolds, Catherine Rice, Mrs. M. Richards, Peter Richards, James F. Ridge, Susan Rigby, Mary Livingston Ripley, Joan Ritcey, Amy Roberts, Amy J. Roberts, E. Wyn Roberts, The Honourable Mrs. Jane Roberts, John Roberts, J.G.W. Roberts, Mary Robertson, Pamela Robertson, A.S. Robinson, Belle Robinson, Eric Robinson, Rev. Mark R.K. Robinson, Ingrid Roderick, Taryn Rodriguez-Boette, Wolfgang Rohdewald, Catherine Rohr, Scott Roller, Priscilla Roosevelt, Alison Rosie, Frances H. Rossen, Blair A. Ruble, P.K. Rybin, Larissa Salmina-Haskell, Christa Sammons, John M. Sanderson, Corrado A. Santoro, Jacquelyn Sapiie, R. J. Sargent, Norman Saul, D. Gail Saunders, Gerald Saunders, Joan Scafarello, Henry Scannell, Paul Scensny, Daniel L. Schafer, Peter L. Schaffer, Kenneth P. Scheffel, Barry P. Scherr, Judith Ann Schiff, Kathy Schneberger, William H. Schoeffler, Norah Schuster, Janet B. Schwartz, John Scott, Linda Seckelson, Richard Sgritta, Ms. P. Shah, Margaret Sharp, Robert Sharp, Alexander Shchedrinski, Ellen Shea, Alice D. Sheriff, M.F. Shrimpton, Richard A. Shrader, V. K. Shuiskii, Judith A. Sibley, Donna Sidney, Mary Sillitto, John Singleton, Wendy Sjolin, Richard Slocum, John J. Slonaker, Helen Smailes, Martha H. Smart, Caron Smith, Janet Smith, Janet T. Smith, Judith A. Smith, Robin Smith, Shelley Smith, Virginia Smith, Virginia Smyers, Edward Smyk, Egill Snorasson, Kristin L. Spangenberg, Robin Spencer, Shirley Spragge, Colin Squires, Vadim Stark, S. Frederick Starr, Christopher Steele, Brooke M. Stephens, Jack Stevens, Patrick J. Stevens, William P. Stevens, Sarah Stevenson, John D. Stinson, Christine Stocker, Mrs. C. Storey, Jean Straub, Christine Strickland, Marcia Stuart, Mary Stuart, Vladimir Suslov, Brenda Sutton, Jane Sutton, Jane C. Sween, Gil Swift, Leanne Szwarc, Anne Tait, Jennifer Tann, Hugh M. Traphagen, Barbara D. Tarr, Richard Taruskin, JoAnne M. Tautamens, Alistair Tebbit, Martha Tedeschi, Natalia Teletova, Beverly Tetterton, Mary M. Thacher, Elise Thall, Jenifer Thewalt, Graham Thomas, Teresa Thompson, Stuart Thompstone, Alex Thomson, Boris Thomson, Robert Thorne, Michael Thornton, Nigel Thorp, George Thuronyi, Joseph Till, Lev Timofeev, Irina Tokareva, Lori Tollman, Steven R. Tomlinson, Sonja Tompkins, Anne K. Toohey, Susanne Torgard, Alistair Tough, Hoang Tran, Jean Trapido-Rosenthal, Carol Troyen, Reto Tschan, Ann Tumavicius, Donna Turbes, Charles Turpie, Robert G. Turvey, Susan Tyler, Martin Tyson, Jennifer Ulrich, Antônio Carlos Conçalvos Valerio, M.A. van Anrooij, Karen Van Westering, Nick Van Wuyckhuyse, Erik Vandamme, John K. Vandereedt, Very Rev. Marshall J. Vang, Noel VanGorden, Susan Varga, Brien Varnado, Peter G. Vasey, John Vaughan, Olga Verbitskaia, Anne Verplanck, Susan Vicinelli, Margaret Victoria, P.F.Vimpfen, Jacqueline Viswanathan, Helen Volkow, Dr. Annette von Boetticher, Wilhelm von Rosen, Cynthia Wall, Marlene Wallin, William J. Walsh, S.W. Walton, James Ward, Jane Ward, Elizabeth Watson, Helen Watson, Kathryn Watson, Mary Weaver, Susan D. Weinandy, Sohier Welch, F. T. Weyell, John Whitaker, John C. Whitaker, John H. White, David Whitford, Otto Wiehmann, David Wigdor, Tracy Wilcox, Jocelyn K. Wilk, C. Wilkins-Jones, John S. Williams, Judith Wilson, Timothy Wilson, Diana Winterbotham, Melanie Wisner, Allis Wolfe, Rev. Eric B. Wood, Donald M. Woodward, Peter J. Wosh, Geoffrey Wright, John Wright, Nanci A. Young, Peter Young, Nicholas Žekulin, Roberta Zonghi, and Marina Zubkova. I apologize if there is anyone whose name has been omitted.

The following institutions were generous in helping solve research questions, lending published works and permitting copying of unpublished works: A La Vieille Russie, Inc. (New York); A.C. Cooper, Ltd. (London, UK); Aberdeen University Library (Scotland); Airdrie Library (Scotland); Akademiia Khudozhestv [Academy of Fine Arts] (AKh) (St. Petersburg); Albany Cemetery Association (NY); Albright-Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo, NY); Alexandria Library, Lloyd House (VA); Amberly House (Plymouth, UK); American Bible Society (New York); American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia); Anglican Church of Canada–General Synod (Toronto, ON); Angus District Council (Scotland); Archdiocese of Hartford (CT); Archdiocese of Philadelphia Archives; Archiv der Hansestadt (Lübeck, Germany); Archives of American Art (Washington, DC); Archives of Ontario (Toronto); Archives of St. James Church of Kingsessing (PA); Archives of St. Mark’s Church Worsley (Manchester, UK); Archives of the Episcopalian Church (Austin, TX); Arkhiv dvortsov-muzeev v Tsarskom Sele [Archives of the Palace-Museums in Tsarskoe Selo]; Arkhiv vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi imperii [Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire] (Moscow); Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto); Art Institute of Chicago, Department of Prints and Drawings; Ashmolean Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings (Oxford, UK); Bacon Memorial District Library (Wyandotte, MI); Bank of England Archive (London, UK); Bank of New York; Bank of Scotland, Executive Office (Edinburgh); Baring Brothers, Ltd. (London, UK); Beauport, Sleeper-McCann House (Gloucester, MA); Bentley Historical Library (Ann Arbor, MI); Berkshire Athenaeum (Pittsfield, MA); Berkshire County Historical Society (Pittsfield, MA); Bernadotte Library, Royal Palace (Stockholm); Bernadotteska Arkivet (Stockholm); Bernardston Books (Bernardston, MA); Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood (London, UK); Bibliothèque nationale suisse (Berne, Switzerland); Bladen County Public Library (Elizabethtown, NC); Bodleian Library, Department of Western Manuscripts (Oxford, UK); Boston Public Library (MA); Boston Public Library, Rare Books & Manuscripts Department; Boston University Libraries, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center; Bowdoin College Library (ME); Braintree Historical Society (MA); Bristol Yearly Meeting (UK); British Consulate-General (Vancouver, BC); British Library, Music Library (London, UK); British Library, Photographic Section; British Museum, Department of Manuscripts (London, UK); Brompton Cemetery (London, UK); Brooklyn Historical Society (NY); Buckingham Town Council (UK); Buckinghamshire County Council (UK); Buckinghamshire Record Office; Bundesarchiv (Koblenz, Germany); Butterworth Law Publishers, Ltd.; Calvary Cemetery (Chicopee, MA); Calvary Church (Stonington, CT); Cambridge University Library, Bible Society’s Library (Cambridge, UK); Canadian Yearly Meeting Archives, Pickering College (ON); Canonbury House (London, UK); Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH); Cathedral of All Saints (Albany, NY); Catholic Diocese of Springfield (MA); Charleston Friends Meeting (SC); Cheshire County Council (Chester, UK); Chicago Historical Society; Christ Church (Georgetown, DC); Christ Church (New Brunswick, NJ); Church Missionary Society (London, UK); Cincinnati Art Museum (OH); Cincinnati Historical Society; City of Bristol Archives (UK); City of Detroit Historical Department; City of Dundee District Council (Scotland); City of Edinburgh Library Services; City of Glasgow District Council; City of Liverpool Office of Population Census and Surveys; City of London Archives, Schoolmistresses and Governesses Benevolent Institution (UK); City of London, Guildhall Library and Art Galleries (UK); City of Manchester Central Library (UK); City of York Council, Education Services (UK); College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Columbia University, Low Memorial Library, University Archives and Columbiana Library (New York); Concord Free Public Library (MA); Connecticut Historical Society (Hartford, CT); Connecticut State Library, History and Genealogy Unit (Hartford, CT); Connecticut Valley Historical Museum (Springfield, MA); Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum Archives (New York); Cornell University, Carl A. Kroch Library, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections (Ithaca, NY); Cornwall County Council (UK); Cotuit Federated Church (MA); Cotuit Historical Society (MA); County Library Headquarters (Preston, UK); Department of Archives (Nassau, Bahamas); Department of Cultural Resources (Raleigh, NC); Department of Libraries & Theatres, Central Library, St. Peter’s Square (Manchester, UK); Der Innenminster des Landes Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel, Germany); Derby City Council Museum and Art Gallery (UK); Derby City Council, Nottingham Road Cemetery; Derbyshire County Library (UK); Detroit Public Library, Burton Historical Collection (MI); Diocese of Huron Archives (London, ON); Diocese of Huron Synod Office; Diocese of Manchester (UK); Diocese of Maryland; Diocese of Springfield (MA); Diocese of Springfield Catholic Cemeteries (MA); District Central Library, Blackpool (UK); District of Columbia, Public Library; Dr. Williams’s Library (London, UK); Durham County Council (UK); Edinburgh Central Library (Scotland); Edinburgh University Library, Department of Manuscripts; English Heritage (Victoria University at University of Toronto); Enoch Pratt Free Library (Baltimore, MD); Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts (Boston); Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey (Trenton); Essex County Council Archives (Chelmsford, UK); Essex Institute (Salem, MA); Essex Record Office (UK); Falkirk District Council, Falkirk Museums (Scotland); Family History Section of The Yorkshire Archaeological Society (UK); Fife Regional Council Corporate Services Department (Kirkaldy Registration District) (Scotland); Filson Club Historical Society (Louisville, KY); Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA); Freer Gallery of Art (Washington, DC); Frick Art Reference Library (New York); Gallery Mayo (Richmond, VA); Garton & Co., Print Dealers & Publishers (Wiltshire, UK); Genealogical Library, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Salt Lake City, UT); Genealogical Society of Rockland County (NY); Genealogical Society of Utah (Salt Lake City); General Register Office for England and Wales (GRO); General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church (New York); Geneva Historical Society (NY); Georgetown Regional Branch of District of Columbia Public Library; Georgetown University, Laninger Library (Washington, DC); Georgia Historical Society (Savannah); Germanic Genealogy Society (Saint Paul, MN); Glasgow City Council; Glasgow City Council, Library Department; Glasgow University Archives; Glasgow University Library, Special Collections; Gloucester Library (MA); Gosudarstvennaia Tret’iakovskaia Galereia Rukopisnyi otdel [State Tret’iakov Gallery Manuscript Division] (St. Petersburg); Gosudarstvennyi Èrmitazh Rukopisnyi otdel [State Hermitage Museum Manuscript Division] (St. Petersburg); Gosudarstvennyi Russkii Muzei Rukopisnyi otdel [State Russian Museum Manuscript Division] (St. Petersburg); Greater London Record Office (UK); Green Mount Cemetery (MD); Green-Wood Cemetery (Brooklyn, NY); Hackney Archives Department (London, UK); Harris Museum and Art Gallery (Preston, UK); Harvard Business School, Baker Library, Historical Collections Department (Cambridge, MA); Harvard Law School; Harvard University Alumni Archives; Harvard University Archives; Harvard University, Houghton Library Theatre Collection; Harvard University, Lamont Library; Harvard University, Schlesinger Library of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies; Harvard University, Widener Library; Haverford College, The Quaker Collection (Haverford, PA); Helsinki University Library; High Museum of Art (Atlanta, GA); Hillwood Museum and Garden (Washington, DC); Historic New Orleans Collection (LA); Historical Society of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia); Historical Society of Rockland County (NY); Historical Society of Washington, DC; Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Warren Hunting Smith Library (Geneva, NY); Holyoke Public Library (MA); Hull City Council (UK); Hull Trinity House, Yorkshire (UK); Humberside City Council Leisure Services (Hull, UK); Humberside Libraries; Iberia Parish Libraries (LA); Incorporated Synod of The Diocese of Ontario of the Anglican Church of Canada (Kingston, ON); Institut russkoi literatury, Pushkinskii dom [Institute of Russian Literature, Pushkin House] (St. Petersburg); Institution of Civil Engineers (London, UK); Institution of Civil Engineers Library; Inverclyde Council (Scotland); Isle of Wight County Council (UK); Jacksonville Historical Society (FL); Jenner Museum & Conference Center (Berkeley, Gloucestershire, UK); John Dixon Library, The Lawrenceville School (NJ); John Jay College of Criminal Justice (New York); Jonathan Clark Ltd. Fine Art (London, UK); Kendal Library (Cumbria, UK); Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington, DC); Kent County Council, Arts & Libraries (UK); Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, KY); Kilkenny Archaeological Society (Ireland); Kilkenny County Library; Københavns Bymuseum (Denmark); Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunstern Antwerpen (Belgium); Lambeth Palace Library (London, UK); Lancashire County Council (UK); Lancashire County Council Library; Lancashire County Council Library, Poulton Historical Society; Lancaster District Central Library (UK); Latvijas Nacionala Biblioteka [National Library of Latvia] (Riga, Latvia); Lawrenceville School Archives (NJ); Lebanon County Historical Society (PA); Lebanon Historical Society, Inc. (CT); Lebanon Town Clerk (CT); Leeds Central Library Local History Division (UK); Leeds County Council; Leeds District Archives; Leeds University Library, Leeds Russian Archive, Brotherton Library; Leningradskii institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta [Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers] Archives and Library (St. Petersburg); Lennoxlove House (Haddington, Scotland); Library of Congress, Copyright Division (Washington, DC); Library of Congress, European Division; Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division; Library of Congress, Local History and Genealogy Room; Library of Congress, Manuscript Division; Library of Congress, Music Division; Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division; Library of Congress, Rare Book Room; Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Library of the General Theological Seminary of The Episcopal Church (New York); Library of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (Washington, DC); Lincolnshire County Council Archives (UK); Linlithgow Library (Scotland); Liverpool Record Office (UK); Livrustkammaren (Stockholm); Local History Centre of Libraries Division of Lewisham Leisure (London, UK); London Borough of Greenwich (UK); London Metropolitan Archives (UK); Longridge Historical Society (UK); Lowell City Library (MA); Lowell Corporation for the Humanities, Inc. (Chelmsford, MA); Lowell Historical Society (MA); Lowell National Historical Park (MA); Lutheran All Faiths Cemetery (New York); M.H. de Young Memorial Museum (San Francisco, CA); Mackinac State Historic Parks (Mackinaw City, MI); Maine State Archives (Augusta, ME); Manchester Central Library (UK); Manchester City Council, City Art Galleries (UK); Marischal Museum, Aberdeen (Scotland); Martin Luther King Memorial Library (Washington, DC); Maryland Historical Society (Baltimore); Massachusetts Archives at Columbia Point (Boston); Massachusetts Historical Society (Boston); Memorial University (St. John’s, NF); Memorial University, Centre for Newfoundland Studies; Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Department of Leisure Services and Tourism (Liverpool, UK); Metropolitan Museum of Art Library and Archives (New York); Metropolitan Wigan Department of Leisure (Manchester, UK); Middleton Place (Charleston, SC); Middletown Historical Society (CT); Milwaukee Public Library (WI); Ministério de Justiça Arquivo Nacional (Rio de Janeiro); Minnesota Museum of Art (Saint Paul); Missouri Historical Society (St. Louis); Montgomery County Historical Society, Inc. (Rockville, MD); Mount Hope Cemetery (Rochester, NY); Musée d’Orsay (Paris); Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (Rotterdam); Museum of Childhood (Anglesey, Wales); Museum of Fine Arts (Boston); Museum of the City of New York Archives; Musica Russica (Madison, CT); National Archives (UK); Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (London, UK); National Archives (US) (Washington, DC); National Archives at College Park (MD); National Archives of Canada (Ottawa); National Archives of Canada, Historical Resources; National Archives of Canada, Public Programs; National Archives of Denmark (Copenhagen); National Archives of Scotland (Edinburgh); National Archives of Scotland, Historical Search Section; National Archives of Scotland, Scottish Record Office; National Archives of Sweden (Stockholm); National Archives of the United Kingdom (Kew, Richmond, London, UK); National Archives of the United States of America (Washington, DC); National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC); National Gallery of Ireland (Dublin); National Gallery of Scotland (Edinburgh); National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh); National Library of Scotland, Department of Special Collections; National Library of Wales (Aberystwyth); National Maritime Museum (Greenwich, UK); National Museum of American History (Washington, DC); National Museum of Science & Industry, Science Museum Library (Washington, DC); National Museums Scotland; National Portrait Gallery (Washington, DC); National Register of Archives (Scotland); Naval Historical Center (Washington, DC); New Brunswick Museum (Saint John); New England Historical Genealogical Society (Boston); New Hampshire Historical Society (Concord, NH); New Hanover County Public Library (NC); New Haven Colony Historical Society (CT); New Haven Free Public Library (CT); New Jersey Historical Society (Newark, NJ); New Jersey State Archives (Trenton, NJ); New London County Historical Society (CT); New Orleans Public Library, Louisiana Division; New York City Municipal Archives; New York Genealogical and Biographical Society; New York Public Library; New York Public Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division; New York Public Library, Slavonic Division; New York State Bar Association; New York State Historical Association; New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Haviland Records Room; New-York Historical Society; New-York Historical Society Library, Special Collections; Newberry Library (Chicago); Newfoundland Historical Society (St. John’s, NF); Newport Historical Society (RI); Niedersächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Hanover, Germany); Norfolk County Council Library & Information Service (UK); Norfolk Record Office (UK); North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (Raleigh); North Carolina State Archives (Raleigh); North Yorkshire County Library (UK); North Yorkshire County Library, Division Headquarters; Nova Scotia Department of Education (Halifax); Nyack Library (NY); Office of the City Clerk (Lowell, MA); Office of Communications of Trinity Church in the City of New York; Office of Population Census & Surveys (London, UK); Office of Recorder of Deeds, City of St. Louis; Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Office of the Town Clerk (Lebanon, CT); Oldham Metropolitan Borough (Manchester, UK); Ontario Genealogical Society (Toronto); Oregon Historical Society (Portland, OR); Oslo Kommune (Norway); Osteuropa Institut München/ Historische Abteilung (Munich, Germany); Pasold Research Fund, London School of Economics (UK); Passaic County Historical Society (Paterson, NJ); Peabody Essex Museum (Salem, MA); Peel Estates, Ltd.; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia); Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center; Philadelphia Center for Early American History; Philadelphia City Archives; Philips International B.V. (Eindhoven, Netherlands); Pollard Memorial Library (Lowell, MA); Portland Art Museum (OR); Poulton-le-Fylde Historical Society (UK); Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of History (Philadelphia, PA); Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of the General Assembly; Preston Cemetery (UK); Preston Historical Society (UK); Princeton University Library Archives (Princeton, NJ); Princeton University, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library; Principal Registry of the Family Division, Record Keeper’s Department, Probate Sub-Registry York (UK); Provincial Archives of New Brunswick (Fredericton); Provincial Archives of Newfoundland & Labrador (St. John’s); Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax); Public Record Office (Chancery Lane, London and Kew, Richmond, London, UK); Putnam Museum, Quad Cities (Davenport, IA); Regional State Archives of Oslo; Ribchester Museum of Roman Antiquities (UK); Ribchester Museum Trust; Rigsarkivet (Copenhagen); Rijksarchief voor de centrale regeringsarchieven vanaf 1795 (Den Haag, Netherlands); Robert-Schumann-Haus (Zwickau, Germany); Roman Catholic Diocese of Hartford (CT); Rossiiskaia natsional’naia biblioteka [Russian National Library] (St. Petersburg); Rossiiskaia natsional’naia biblioteka Otdel rukopisei [Russian National Library Manuscript Division] (St. Petersburg); Rothschild Archive (London, UK); Royal Archives, Windsor Castle (UK); Royal Collection, St. James Palace (London, UK); Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, Print Room (UK); Royal College of Surgeons of England (London, UK); Royal Geographical Society (London, UK); Russian American Cultural Center at Russia Wharf, Inc. (Boston); Rutgers University, Archibald S. Alexander Library, Special Collections and University Archives (New Brunswick, NJ); Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden (Germany); Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue (New York); Salem Public Library (MA); Salford Local History Library (UK); Saltash Local History Society (Cornwall, UK); San Diego Museum of Art (CA); Scarborough Library, Yorkshire County Council (UK); Scarsdale Public Library (NY); School of Oriental and African Studies (London, UK); Schuyler County Historical Society (Montour Falls, NY); Scott County Iowa Genealogical Society (Davenport, IO); Scottish National Portrait Gallery (Edinburgh); Seattle Pacific University; Senat der Freien und Hansestadt (Hamburg); Simon Fraser University, Office of the Dean of Arts (Burnaby, BC); Simon Fraser University, W.A.C. Bennett Library Special Collections; Simon Fraser University, W.A.C. Bennett Library, Interlibrary Loans Department; Society of Genealogists (London, UK); Society of Merchant Venturers (Bristol, UK); Sotheby’s, Dept of Printed Books & Manuscripts (New York); South Carolina Department of Archives and History (Charleston, SC); South Carolina Historical Society (Charleston, SC); Springfield Cemetery (MA); Springfield City Library (MA); St. Augustine Historical Society (FL); St. James Cemetery and Crematorium (Toronto); St. Johnsbury Athenaeum (VT); St. Louis Genealogical Society; St. Louis Historical Society; St. Louis Public Library; St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Brunswick, ME); St. Peter’s Church (Albany, NY); Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin; State Historical Society of Iowa (Des Moines and Iowa City); State Historical Society of Wisconsin (Madison, WI); State Library of Connecticut (Hartford); State Library of Florida, Florida Collection (Tallahassee, FL); State Library of North Carolina (Raleigh, NC); State of New Jersey, Department of Education State Library (Trenton, NJ); Staten Island Historical Society (NY); Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences; Statens Arkiver (Copenhagen); Stockholms Stadsarkiv; Stonington Historical Society Library (CT); Strokestown Park Famine Museum (County Roscommon, Ireland); Surname Hodgson Association and Resources Enterprise (Toronto); Tate Gallery (London, UK); The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Archives (Boston); The Huntington Library (San Marino, CA); The Library, Friends House (London, UK); The Maas Gallery Ltd. (London, UK); The Royal Society (London, UK); Thorvaldsen Museum (Copenhagen); Thorvaldsen Museum Library and Archives; Toledo-Lucas County Public Library (OH); Toronto Reference Library; Town of Oyster Bay (NY); Town of Pomfret (CT); Town of Windham (CT); Trinity Church (New York); Tsentral’nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv literatury i iskusstva [Central State Archive of Literature and Art] (Moscow); Tsentral’nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Sanktpeterburga [Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg]; Tsentral’nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv SSSR [Central State Historical Archive of the USSR] (now Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv [Russian State Historical Archives]) (St. Petersburg); Tulane University, Louisiana Collection (New Orleans, LA); U. Grant Miller Library of Washington and Jefferson College (Washington, PA); Union Theological Seminary (New York); United Church of Canada Archives (Toronto); United States Military Academy (West Point, NY); United States Military Academy Library (West Point, NY); University College London, College Art Collections; University College of Wales (Aberystwyth, Wales); University of Aberdeen Library; University of Birmingham Library; University of British Columbia, Walter C. Koerner Library (Vancouver, BC); University of Buffalo; University of Durham; University of Edinburgh; University of Glasgow, Centre for Whistler Studies; University of Glasgow, Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library; University of Iowa Library, Special Collections (Iowa City); University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Library, Special Collections (Lawrence); University of Manchester (UK); University of Michigan, Engineering Libraries (Ann Arbor); University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wilson Library; University of Nottingham Library, Special Collections (UK); University of Pennsylvania Archives (Philadelphia); University of South Carolina, The South Caroliniana Library (Columbia); US Army Military History Institute (Carlisle, PA); US Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD); Vancouver School of Theology Archives (BC); Victoria and Albert Museum Library (London, UK); Victoria and Albert Museum, Textiles and Dress; Virginia Historical Society (Richmond); Vor Frue Kirke (Copenhagen); Wadsworth Athenaeum (Hartford, CT); Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, MD); Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine (London, UK); Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine (London, UK); West Lothian Council Education & Cultural Services (Scotland); West Sussex Record Office (UK); West Yorkshire Archives Service (UK); Westerly Public Library (RI); Westfield Athenaeum (MA); Westminster Abbey Muniment Room and Library (London, UK); Westport Public Library (CT); Whistler House Museum of Art (Lowell, MA); Whistler House Museum of Art Archives; Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council (Manchester, UK); Winterthur Museum (DE); Wisconsin Historical Society (Madison); Woodland Cemetery (Coopersburg, PA); Woodmere Art Museum (Philadelphia, PA); Yale Center for British Art (New Haven, CT); Yale University Alumni Archives; Yale University Archives; Yale University Library; Yale University Library, Beinecke Rare Books and Manuscript Library; York House (London, UK); York Library (Toronto, ON); York Minster Archives (UK); Yorkshire County Council (UK); Zephaniah Kingsley Plantation (Jacksonville, FL). I apologize if there is any institution whose name has been omitted.

I want also to express my gratitude to friends and to representatives of organizations that offered me hospitality during my research travels: Galina Andreeva (Moscow), Richard Blodgett (Stonington, CT), Elena Borovskaia (St. Petersburg), Harriet Ropes Cabot (Cotuit, MA), Judith Chayes (Washington, DC), Faye Chisholm (Vancouver), Rosemary K.F. Clarke (London), Ann and Carlton Colcord (London), Florance Scott Conway (New Orleans), Dana D’Anzi (New Orleans), Melanie Delva (Vancouver), Louise Donovan (Cambridge, MA), Elizabeth and Emmons Ellis (Winchester, MA), Irina Fadeeva (St. Petersburg), Ghislaine and Edgar Harden (New York, London, Norwich), Joan Hartman (New York), Piroška Molnar Haywood (West Lafayette, IN), Norman Henley (Baltimore), Lois Hermann (Washington, DC), Marcia Jasiulko (New York), Linda and Laurence Kelly (London), Annabel Maingay (London), Hope and Hugh Maingay (Norwich), Jean Parrish (Princeton, NJ), Elizaveta Renne (St. Petersburg), Sandy Fulton Rosenthal (New Orleans), Larissa Salmina-Haskell (Oxford), Vadim Stark and Natalia Teletova (St. Petersburg), Shirley and James Tang (Washington, DC), Mary and Peter Thacher (Stonington, CT), Lev Timofeev (St. Petersburg), Donald Voss (Alexandria, VA), Elsie Weigand Weidner (Philadelphia), Michael Welch (London).

My debt to my family is also great: to my late gallant husband, Edgar, who, during the eighteen-years he survived prostate and bone cancer, translated materials from German, did research and helped prepare the bibliography; to my son, Edgar, who did research and encouraged me, especially as I approached the home stretch; to my daughter-in-law, Ghislaine Wood, long in the Research Department of the Victoria and Albert Museum, who understood the magnitude of the effort and did research; and to my granddaughter, Mirabelle, just because.

Not least, I wish to express my undying gratitude to my editor, Karyn Huenemann (Vancouver, BC) for her willingness to undertake this enormous and complicated project and to give it orderliness and shape, all with humor, patience, and an appreciated low-decibel level of discussion, much of our mutual effort accomplished over the telephone and by courier during the COVID-19 crisis. Brava!

I would also like to thank SFU Library Digital Publishing for accepting my work for publication, especially Kate Shuttleworth, Digital Publishing Librarian, who has guided me through the details of the publication process.


1.  LIIZhT is the acronym for the Leningradskii institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta in St. Petersburg. In 1993, it became a university: Peterburgskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Putei Soobshcheniia Imperatora Aleksandra I [Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University]. I have chosen to continue using LIIZhT as an identifier.