Anna Whistler in 1845, while she lived in St. Petersburg, watercolor by Thomas Wright. Anna Whistler in 1845, while she lived in St. Petersburg, watercolor by Thomas Wright.

ISBN: 978-1-77287-099-2

1st edition © Evelyn Jasiulko Harden, 2022

2nd edition © Evelyn Jasiulko Harden, web.

Published by SFU Library
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Editor's Notes

The second edition of The St. Petersburg Diaries (1843–1849) of Anna McNeill Whistler appears only as an online publication, in html format. As such, this version has no page numbers. Please cite this online version as
Harden, Evelyn J. The St. Petersburg Diaries (1843–1849) of Anna McNeill Whistler. 2nd ed. Edited by Karyn Huenemann. SFU Digital Publishing. Updated 8 April 2024.

The website was designed by Karyn Huenemann, editorial assistant to Dr. Evelyn Harden. All comments, questions, or corrections can be directed to her at

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At the time of writing, all links were active, and dates of last access have been provided. Given the nature of the internet, some links or webpages may no longer be extant. Should this be the case, expired websites can sometimes be retrieved through the Internet Archive WayBack Machine.

The banner image is a watercolored lithograph by Vasilii Sadovnikov (1800–1879), Panorama of the Nevsky Prospekt (1830), held by the Museum Collection, Moscow. This image is in the public domain. To view the entire panorama, use the navigation arrows on the sides of the banner image.